2025 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Gala

November 22, 2025 - November 22, 2025
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Event Details

Reception & Silent Auction begin at 5:00 p.m.

Awards Ceremony Dooors open at 6:45 p.m.


Awards Gala Registration:

The Arizona Landscape Contractors' Association (ALCA) is excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2025 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Gala, taking place on November 22, 2025. This prestigious event honors Arizona’s top landscaping contractors and designers for their outstanding achievements.

Get ready to walk the red carpet and celebrate the finest in our industry at this year’s ALCA Excellence in Landscaping Awards Gala.

What to Expect:

Prestigious Awards & Recognition

Celebrity Entertainer

Networking Opportunities

Exciting Auctions

Complimentary Giveaways

Dress to Impress: This is your moment to shine, so wear your finest attire and prepare for an unforgettable evening!

Reserve your spot today and join us in celebrating the remarkable talent and dedication that drive our industry.

Awards Gala Reservation: Early Bird Pricing: Register on or before November 3, 2025, to take advantage of early bird pricing. 

Join us in celebrating the past, present, and future of Arizona landscaping.

Awards Gala Lodging Information:

Room Availability: 

11/21/2025 - 10 Rooms Available

11/22/2025 - 100 Rooms Available 

Rate: $269

Hotel room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 13%) and fees in effect at the time of check-out. 

Rate will be available 3 days prior and 3 days after the Event Dates, subject to availability of guest rooms at the time of reservation. 

Click on this link to book your room today: Rexervation Link Closed.


49th Annual ALCA Excellence in Landscaping Awards Competition

Award recipients will be recognized on November 22, 2025

at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel.

Must be an ALCA Member. 
This competition recognizes and honors outstanding landscaping projects completed by ALCA contractors and designers throughout the state of Arizona. By participating, you have the opportunity to showcase your work and demonstrate your expertise in the industry. Winning an Excellence in Landscaping Award can also increase your visibility, enhance your reputation, and attract potential clients.

The competition is open to all ALCA members who have completed a landscape installation or an ongoing maintenance project in the last year. The categories include residential installation, commercial installation, residential maintenance, and commercial maintenance. 

Entry Cost: $175/entry
Deadline for applications is June 15th, 2025


Tell the story of your project. Explain the requirements and results as well as any challenges.
SITE PLAN—On a separate 8 1/2” x 11” sheet, attach a plan with property lines, shade in landscaped areas.
· Each project must have a minimum of 10 and maximum of 25 photographs that represent the items checked off on the work performed sheet.
· At least one photograph must be vertical.
· Label one photo “Plaque” to indicate which photo you want displayed on the award.
· Submit a copy of your photos with an approximate size of 1200 x 1800 pixels at 300 dpi.
· Photos may not be altered to enhance finished product beyond adjustments to contrast and brightness.
· Photos and application must be submitted via this platform
**By submitting your application, you are granting ALCA permission to use any copyrighted photographs included in the application for promotional and educational purposes in ALCA publications, both digital and printed. 

Judges will assign a score for each entry.  All of the judges’ scores will be averaged to determine the final score.
· 80% of the score will be judged on the technical criteria of the project. The description of the project will be read by the judges as the photos are reviewed. A score of 1 – 10 under each line item that the applicant selected as the work they performed.  These scores will be added and averaged and account for 80% of the score.
· 20% of the score will be judged on the “aesthetics” section. Judges will assign a score of 1 – 10 for the following: Overall appearance, Complexity of project

Projects with scores of 90% + will be eligible for an Excellence award
Projects with scores of 80%+ will be eligible for an award of Distinction
Projects with scores of 70%+ will be eligible for a Judges award

**more than one award may be given in each category as projects are judged on individual merit**
All projects will be subject to an on-site visit to confirm scores. When all of the entries have been judged, the judges will review those projects that are eligible for the “Presidential” (best of show)  & “Best Landscape Maintenance”  awards.

Judging will take place throughout the month of June. Site visits will be coordinated in July. Award recipients will be notified in September and recognized on November 22, 2025 at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel.

Click above to register your project.



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