

Although the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are only around 1 in 500,000, some factors can put you at greater risk. Lightning most often strikes people who work outside or engage in outdoor recreational activities. Regional and seasonal differences can also affect your risk of being injured by lightning.

Lightning Precautions
Remember: When thunder roars, go indoors. Find a safe, enclosed shelter.
Lightning strikes injure and kill hundreds of people each year. Follow these precautions to help keep you safe when the weather turns bad.
•    As soon as you hear thunder, shut off and put away equipment and move indoors. When you are able to hear thunder, you can be struck by lightning. Lightning can strike even when it’s not raining.
•    The cab of an enclosed vehicle provides some protection from lightning but a sturdy building provides the best protection.
•    Listen to the radio for weather updates and storm warnings.

If You Can’t Take Cover Inside
•    Get to a low space. Lightning strikes the tallest objects.
•    Crouch down on the balls of your feet. Place your hands on your knees and lower your head between your knees.
•    Minimize contact with the ground.
•    Do not lie flat on the ground. This will make you a larger target.

Keep Away From ...
•    Large, lone trees and towers, fences, telephone poles and power lines.
•    Rivers, lakes, pools and other bodies of water.
•    Metal objects, tools, equipment, wire fences and umbrellas.

If Someone is Struck by Lightning
•    Call 911.
•    Check to see if they’re breathing. Rescue breathing or CPR may be required.
•    Check for burns on their body.
•    Move the victim inside, out of the storm.
•    Most lightning-strike victims survive with immediate treatment and rescue breathing or CPR.

Article provided by:  Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service